Entering Carthay Circle main dining area |
Entering the Carthay Circle Restaurant in Disney California Adventure is entering a world of decadent opulence set inside a theme park. It's an abrupt change of pace from the normal grind of having fun. I was going to make sure that at least once in my life, despite the high price tag for a meal, I was going to give the Carthay Circle a try. As for that price tag.... lunch for 4 sat right around that $200 mark. Was it worth it?
Yes and no. The place is beautiful. It's the first restaurant I've been in where the bathrooms were really bath rooms - no stalls!. The surroundings were ornate and filled with classic photos of Walt and his Hollywood friends from the late 30's. The service was first rate which from what I read was a bit of an issue when the restaurant first opened its' doors. But the staff was attentive, courteous, and friendly explaining both the menu and features of the restaurant itself. High marks indeed are given as far as a dining experience goes.
Downstairs lounge area of the Carthay Circle |
As for the food, it was good but wasn't over the top great as far as the entrees were concerned. Better marks were given for the outstanding appetizers, soups, salads, and desserts than for the main meals. There's something to be said that when the best part of your $22 cheeseburger is the pickles, something has gone slightly amiss.
That being said, there is a place for the Carthay Circle in your Disneyland adventure. If you really have something to celebrate by all means, go to the Carthay for a memorable experience. If your Disneyland trip budget allows for some overkill in in dining, then I'd go back to the Carthay Circle to offload some of that cash in a splashy way.
But all things being equal, I think I would probably take that same amount of money and spend it over at the Blue Bayou before going back to the Carthay Circle. It just seems more like the Disney thing to do
The $22 cheeseburger and fries. Great pickles! |