Disneyland Traveler Blog Sites

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Disneyland Bucket List - Item #1

It's a quiet Sunday around the Disneyland Traveler's house.  I've just been surfing around YouTube looking at assorted Disney videos, nothing in particular.  Just so you know I haven't completely wasted my day, I did get the lawn mowed and did a load of laundry.  Anyway, while perusing the videos, I was struck by a couple of items that just made me think to myself  "I just haven't gotten around to that yet".   You just never know when that last trip to Disneyland is going to come (or if it has already come).  Hopefully I got some time left, time to get around to a few things I just haven't gotten around to yet.

Mrs. DisneylandTraveler and I have been fortunate enough to stay at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel - we just didn't eat there during our stay.  I'm not sure why but probably we just had more important things to think about like hitting the parks.  By all accounts, the Napa Rose restaurant inside the Grand Californian is one of the great restaurants in Southern California and provides a truly luxurious and memorable dining experience to its guests.  For me to eat a dinner at the Napa Rose is now officially on my Disneyland bucket list.  Now convincing Mrs. DLT to do the same is another story.

You see, I have a pretty broad palette when it comes to trying new experiences in dining. I'm open to almost anything new and different.  The same can't be said for Mrs. DLT who has a much more narrower view of dining.  Meat, potatoes, a few vegetables, and a basic salad. Don't get to creative and for god's sake, don't put a mushroom on her plate or she'll end up running outside screaming into the night.

Some months ago in a discussion forum about Napa Rose dining, I posed my dilemma.  I got some very nice responses from people who know the restaurant well and it comes down to this.  The Napa Rose staff wants everyone that comes into their restaurant to have a personal dining experience.  If you want you basic steak or chop void of exotic sauces or creative side dishes, just ask, and they will be more than happy to accommodate anyone's preference or taste.  Sound like problem solved.

Dinner at the Napa Rose is #1 on my Disneyland bucket list.

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